:Diphthongs and Semi-vowels

:Diphthongs and Semi-vowels

Diphthongs and Semi-vowels

Diphthongs are a type of vowel that consists of two successive vowel sounds, pronounced as a single syllable. In other words, diphthongs are glides from one vowel sound to another.

There are eight diphthongs in English:

/eɪ/ (as in "day")

/aɪ/ (as in "pie")

/oɪ/ (as in "boy")

/aʊ/ (as in "cow")

/eʊ/ (as in "house")

/ɪə/ (as in "beer")

/ʊə/ (as in "poor")

/eə/ (as in "fair")

Diphthongs can be either closing or opening. Closing diphthongs start from a more open vowel sound and move to a more closed vowel sound. Opening diphthongs start from a more closed vowel sound and move to a more open vowel sound.

The following table shows the eight diphthongs in English, along with their closing or opening status:

Diphthong Closing or opening

/eɪ/ Closing

/aɪ/ Closing

/oɪ/ Closing

/aʊ/ Opening

/eʊ/ Opening

/ɪə/ Opening

/ʊə/ Opening

/eə/ Opening

Semi-vowels are a type of consonant that are pronounced with a vowel-like quality. They are also known as glides.

There are two semi-vowels in English:

/w/ (as in "wet")

/j/ (as in "yet")

Semi-vowels can occur at the beginning or end of a syllable, but they never occur in the nucleus of a syllable.

Diphthongs vs. semi-vowels

Diphthongs and semi-vowels are both types of glides, but there is an important difference between the two. Diphthongs are vowels, while semi-vowels are consonants.

Another way to think about it is that diphthongs are two vowel sounds that are pronounced as a single syllable, while semi-vowels are single consonant sounds that have a vowel-like quality.


Here are some examples of diphthongs and semi-vowels in English words:


/eɪ/ in "day"

/aɪ/ in "pie"

/oɪ/ in "boy"

/aʊ/ in "cow"

/eʊ/ in "house"

/ɪə/ in "beer"

/ʊə/ in "poor"

/eə/ in "fair"


/w/ in "wet"

/j/ in "yet"


Diphthongs and semi-vowels are both important parts of the English language. Diphthongs are vowels that consist of two successive vowel sounds, pronounced as a single syllable. Semi-vowels are consonants that are pronounced with a vowel-like quality.

Understanding the difference between diphthongs and semi-vowels can help you to pronounce English words more accurately and to improve your overall English speaking skills.


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